The Screenwriters' Group for Raleigh, NC |
(A short screenplay to
give you some idea of who we are, and how our group
FADE IN: INT. STARBUCKS -- RALEIGH, NC -- NIGHT A young SCREENWRITER, young and eager, enters the shop. Looking toward the busy road she came in on, she peers into the... MEETING AREA She surveys the lounge, and spots a friendly looking GROUP OF PEOPLE seated in chairs in a circle. Shy at first, she walks toward the group. MIKE, red-haired with a baseball cap on his knee, notices the Young Screenwriter as she approaches. YOUNG SCREENWRITER Is this the Screenline meeting? MIKE Sure is. Come join us. (extending a handshke) I'm Mike Everette. I sort of coordinate the group. YOUNG SCREENWRITER But I've never written anything, much less a screenplay. Anxiously, the Young Screenwriter glances among the group. MARTHA and TIM sit on side of the table, and CALVIN and DOUG sit on the other. They all look friendly enough. MIKE Doesn't matter. You're interested in screenwriting? She gives a hesitant nod. MIKE Great! You're in the right place. Anyone with an interest is welcome. She relaxes, just a little. YOUNG SCREENWRITER How much does it cost to join? TIM Nothing. Even Doug can afford it. Doug pounds on Tim's arm in mock dismay. MIKE Tim is right. We don't have dues or a roll. But we do have one by-law. (beat) We're all friends which means we are honest with our comments, we don't share each other's work without permission, and we don't rip each other off. (beat) How's that work for you? The young screenwriter smiles. YOUNG SCREENWRITER When do you normally meet? Martha chimes in. MARTHA We normally meet once a month, sometimes virtually, but in person when we can. CALVIN And if you have an e-mail, give it to Mike, and he'll add you to his newsletter. He sends about every two weeks, and it's full of people all over the country. Even a few in Hollywood. MIKE Why don't you join us? The screenwriter finds a chair and joins the group. MIKE (CONT'D) So who has something to read? Doug starts passing out a few pages of his script to the group. The young screenwriter excitedly grabs a copy, and starts reviewing it. FADE OUT: THE END |
Next Meeting Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 27, 2025 at 1:00pm ET at Panera Bread off Lake Boone Trail |